Sunday, November 13, 2011

How to Muse

I am just a mom of ballet dancers.  I am not a person in a position of any power or control.  Because, I have multiple children exploring this endeavor and they want to make a career out of this, I have spent a lot of time researching, reading and listening to those in the business--this includes other moms.

The observations that I make are not based on any superior knowledge and are my opinions alone.  They are not absolutes.  There are no absolutes in life as far as I can tell.  But, there is good common sense and that is what I like to think I have.  When I write in my blog do this or this is how something should be done, it is not intended to be offered as the final authority.  It is merely another opinion and another point of view.  I don't offer my opinions casually, they are based on research and observations that I have made.  But, at the end of the day, they are mine and mine alone.

I would encourage any parent that has a child who expresses interest in a given area, to become the most informed parent that they can on the subject.  That is what I try to do and that is the point of view and purpose of these Musings.   But, please do not follow my advice blindly, use it as a tool to stimulate questions and investigate matters on your own.  Speak to your child's teachers, speak to mothers/fathers of advanced dancers, read my blog, read ballet talk for dancers and speak to ballet companies if you are given the chance.  But, remember...everybody has an agenda and our agendas formulate our points-of-view.  So, take advice under advisement and use it to help draw your own conclusions about what is best.

I hope that you will find my advice to be honest, helpful and insightful, if you disagree, please share an alternate point-of-view.  We can all learn from open discussion (I moderate questions to prevent spam but I do not censor, well articulated informed dissent).  I sincerely hope we can have one.

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